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SUPERCRITICAL CPD MEMS DRYER FOR 4" WAFERS AUTOSAMDRI®-815B, SERIES B † The Supercritical Autosamdri®-815B, Series BSystem was developed by Dr. A.J. Tousimis and our team of long-standing associates within the tousimis® SAMDRI design group. † Smooth operation and precise control are the Supercritical Autosamdri®-815B's …
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The Supercritical Autosamdri®-815B, Series B System was developed by Dr. A. J. Tousimis and our team of long-standing associates within the tousimis® SAMDRI design group. Smooth operation and precise control are the Supercritical Autosamdri®-815B´s trademark; wafer holders and inserts are provided that allow anti-stiction processing up to 5 ...
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Par máximo a 1.400 rpm 1.016 N·m 749 lbf-pie Reserva de par 26 % • Potencia neta disponible en el volante cuando el motor está equipado con ventilador, filtro de aire, silenciador y alternador, con una velocidad del motor de 2.200 rpm. MOTOR: TIER 4 FINAL/STAGE V Modelo de motor C7.1 Velocidad nominal 2.200 rpm
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